* Lines added using Line tool are dashed * Lines added using Line tool to illustrate True Darts tool are in blue A - start point A1 - Point from Distance and Angle A2 - Point at Distance along Line A3 - Point along Perpendicular A4 - Point along Bisector (Skipped special point on shoulder - doesn't work properly) A5 - Point at Intersection of Arc and Line A6 - Triangle Tool A7 - Point from x and y A8 - Perpendicular Point along Line A9 - Point intersect Line and Axis A10 - Point at Line Intersection B - start point B1 - Point from Distance and Angle B2 - Point at Distance along Line B3 - Point at Distance along Line B4 - MidPoint between Two Points B5 - Point along Perpendicular C - start point C1 - Point from Distance and Angle C2 - Point from Distance and Angle C3 - Point along Perpendicular C4 - Point at Distance along Line C5 - Point at Distance along Line C6 - Point along Perpendicular Spl_C3_C2 - Simple Curve C7 - Segmenting a Simple Curve Spl_C3_C1 - Curve which uses point as control handle C8 - Segmenting a Simple Curve C9 - Point along Perpendicular SplPath_C9_C3 - Curved Path C10 - Segment a Curved Path SplPath_C9_C10_1 - Tools for creating curves D- start point D1 - Point from Distance and Angle D2 - Point along Perpendicular D3 - Point along Perpendcular D4 - Point along Perpendicular D5 - Point along Perpendicular D6 - Point from Distance and Angle D7 - Point along Bisector D8 - Point along Bisector Spl_D2_D6 - Curve tool which uses point as control handle SplPath_D5_D7 - Tools for creating curves D9 - Point intersection curves D10 - Point intersection curves D11 - Point intersect curve and axis E - start point E1 - Point from Distance and Angle Arc_E_65 (Blue arc) - arc E2 - Segment an arc E3 - Point intersect arc and axis Arc_E2_72 (Red arc) - arc E4 - Point of intersection arc Arc_E1_75 (black circle)- arc E5 - Intersect circles E6 - Point from circle and tangent E8 - Point from arc and tangent Arc_E1_81 - Arc with given length E9 - Intersect arc and axis