Why is the sbt version included in the path name?

Issue #3 resolved
pdxleif created an issue

I thought that was only for SBT plugin projects.

Anyways, it makes a path in webdav that includes the sbt version at the end, but then the publish task fails, because it's attempting to publish to a dir that doesn't have the sbt version in it.

Comments (2)

  1. Joost den Boer repo owner

    I was just looking how the publish-task was trying to publish an artifact. You could be right sbt version should only be included for sbt-plugins. Could you provide a test case or a project which replicates the problem? Then I will fix it.

  2. Joost den Boer repo owner

    Fixed in version 1.3: only include sbtVersion in path for sbt-plugin projects. Added additional testproject to validate publishing of Ivy, Maven and SbtPlugin artifacts.

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