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dsair / InvokeManager

HOWTO: InvokeManager: Starting the app with files/commands


The InvokeManager lets you recover the files passed into the app if the app is started by dragging and dropping (multiple) files over the icon. Also, in Windows7, if an app is pinned to the taskbar, when you drag files over that icon, you can pin the files to it, making it easy to start apps with files that are frequently used.

If you start the app through the command line, you can also pass arguments to the app that way.


Check out the file for the full details.

As with all examples, you need to init the framework before doing anything:


DSAir.init( this ); // "this" is your Document class

Checking if we have files




will return true if the app was started with some files, and false otherwise.

Getting the files that we started with

Simply check the files Vector for the File objects:


for each( var file:File in InvokeManager.instance.files )
    trace( "We were started with the file '" + file.nativePath + "'" );

Checking for commands

You can also access the raw args that the app was started with (to recover commands etc) by going through the rawArgs Vector:


for each( var arg:String in InvokeManager.instance.rawArgs )
    trace( this, "Started with raw arg '" + arg + "'" );
