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dsair / ThrottleManager

HOWTO: ThrottleManager: Throttling the fps when the app isn't in use


A proponent of good app design is only using the minimum necessary power. With this in mind, the ThrottleManager, lowers the fps of the app down to 5 when it's not in use or not active (5 should be enough to keep streaming audio or sockets open). When the app is active again, it brings the fps back up. The ThrottleManager is active by default.


Check out the file for the full details.

As with all examples, you need to init the framework before doing anything:


DSAir.init( this ); // "this" is your Document class

Activating/deactivating the ThrottleManager

By default, the ThrottleManager is active, but if you want to turn it off, you can by using the active property:

#!actionscript = false;

Getting/setting the fps

The current fps of the app can be retrieved by calling the framerate property:


ThrottleManager.instance.framerate = 30;

By default, the fps is reset to normal when the app is active, but you can use this so control it programatically.

Getting/setting the active/inactive fps

The active fps is set when the app starts and by default it's the current stage frame rate. The inactive fps is set to 5. You can change either of these by going through the relevant properties:


ThrottleManager.instance.activeFPS = 30;
ThrottleManager.instance.inactiveFPS = 30;

Finding out if the app is active

You can either call:



or supply a callback to the app active change listener:


ThrottleManager.instance.onAppActiveChange = this._onChange;
private function _onChange():void
    trace( "The app's activity changed, are we active: " + ThrottleManager.instance.isAppActive );
