
Clone wiki

Scripted Selenium / Reserved Commands


This section describes plans for future commands.


The highlight command highlights starting from a position that matches a regular expression until the end of the text element.

<highlight id="element_id" from="starting text" />


The cut command attempts to copy and delete the highlighted text, putting the text into the copy buffer for a subsequent paste command.

<cut />


The paste command will paste the copied text into a given element. The prefix attribute can be used to inject text in advance of the pasted content. Padding several spaces in the prefix is required when pasting into a contenteditable iframe.

<paste id="element_id" prefix="          " />


The include command will include another script. For example:

<include file="/path/to/script.xml" />


The variable command will define a global value that can be used throughout the script. For example:

  <variable name="name.first" value="Alan" />
  <variable name="name.last" value="Turing" />

  <text css="input[name='first']">${name.first}</text>
  <text css="input[name='last']">${name.last}</text>
  <click id="input[type='submit']" />

  <click link="${name.first} ${name.last}" />


The macro command will define a named script sequence. For example:

<macro name="search">
  <variable name="site" default="duckduckgo" />
  <variable name="text" />
  <variable name="go" />
    <text css="${text}"> unit testing</text>
    <click css="${go}" delay="2500" />

    <comment>Reset the delay to normal.</comment>
    <pause delay="250" />

Then the macro can be re-used:

<search site="google" text="#lst-ib" go=".jsb > center:nth-child(1) > input:nth-child(1)" />
<search site="duckduckgo" text="#search_form_input_homepage" go="#search_button_homepage" />


The comment command will write the contents to standard error, standard output, or a file. Examples:

<comment log="standard-output">Log to standard output</comment>
<comment log="standard-error">Log to standard error</comment>
<comment log="/var/log/scripted-selenium/logfile.txt">Log to a file</comment>


The scroll command will scroll the browser viewport to a specific element, smoothly. For example:

<scroll id="element-id" time="1000" />

The time attribute controls how long the scrolling should take from start to finish.


Sends a keystroke to a web page element.

<key code="ENTER" />
<key code="DIVIDE" modifiers="CTRL+ALT+SHIFT" />
