[Android] Some files play at wrong speed

Issue #14 wontfix
dale win created an issue

I tried several games, RZX's etc. and noticed that they were playing too fast. Even the sound sounded different. I tried the same files on Spectaculator and they played fine. Please could you fix this.

Comments (9)

  1. Andrey Dj repo owner

    Hi! This is may be because of only Pentagon ZX Spectrum clone emulation. It has different timings from original (~4% faster). Also AY chip has different freq. Try to enable Pentagon timings in Spectaculator & compare.

  2. dale win reporter

    There isn't any option for different timings on the Android version of Spectaculator, it just works at the correct speed (including all .RZX files and the Android version hasn't got Pentagon/Scorpion models). Is there no way of making USP (Android) play them at the correct speed ? It's a shame because I liked this emulator.

  3. dale win reporter

    What's the point in having .SCL, .TRD, .RZX support etc. when they play at the wrong speed ? (You should add this to the emulator description). Oh well, i'll just have to go back to tapes and snapshots on Spectaculator.

  4. Andrey Dj repo owner

    I think 4% speedup in some games (which not use vsync) is not big problem. In emulator description there is "48/128K (Pentagon multicolors)".

  5. dale win reporter

    The majority of Spectrum games are hard enough as it is without having to play them 4% quicker !! It looks like this emulator is the final version because I haven't seen any updates for it for a long time. Oh well.

  6. Andrey Dj repo owner

    The emulator core is not updating because it precisely tuned to emulate Pentagon variant of ZX Spectrum clone. Android version was updated 3.5 month ago (full screen & menu upgraded).

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