Cant open menu on Android TV

Issue #16 closed
goran_s created an issue

There is no swipe from the top on Android TV. Is there another way to open menu? ESC doesn't work.

Comments (10)

  1. goran_s reporter

    This video only explains how to click on the OK button.

    I don’t have any other apps that require swipe from top. When i press F3 i get menu with “open…, reset, quit”, but I can’t get top menu.

    Best regards, Goran

  2. Andrey Dj repo owner

    You can place mouse pointer in the top of the screen. Then press and hold mouse button. Then move mouse pointer to bottom.

    Ok, after pressing F3 you've open menu. What top menu do you want to open?)

  3. goran_s reporter

    When I place mouse pointer to the top of the screen and click/drag, joystick circle is drawn in the bottom left corner and nothing happens when i move down (with mouse button still pressed). It seems that it is registered as joystick action.

    on F3 there is only those 3 options, no settings, no online repositories to open demos/games...

    Best regards, Goran

  4. goran_s reporter

    I installed this version and now I have full menu on F3. Thanks.

    BTW, its Android TV on Raspberry Pi 3 and UnrealSpeccy performance is not good. I had to turn on frameskip to 2 and turn off filtering and still it stutters. This Android 6.0.1 build for Pi is not very stable and I guess it's not uspeccy fault, just for You to know.

  5. goran_s reporter

    I'm just trying OS X version. Excellent! Is there a settings menu besides "device"? Model selection etc?

  6. Andrey Dj repo owner

    Hi!) Also try Raspberry Pi version on Raspberry Pi))

    About model selection. Only russian clone Pentagon 128K is supported. Plz read project desc.

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