Unable to access storage on Android

Issue #30 resolved
José Manuel Ferrer Ortiz created an issue

On my Android 8.1 device, I can’t load any local files, because the Files tab shows completely empty, unlike the other tabs (VTRDOS, WOS, RZX and BBB). The application has the storage permission. Removing the permission makes no difference to the app whatsoever… it doesn’t ask for the permission, and the Files tab still shows up as empty. Enabling it again makes no difference, same result.

Comments (4)

  1. patters

    I think this might be that same issue I have - on my handset the only way to browse local files is via /sdcard even though my phone does not have an SD card mounted. Strangely the /storage/emulated and /storage/self folders appear empty. I use a Nokia 7 Plus running Android 10.

    It works fine if I browse /sdcard though

  2. Andrey Dj repo owner

    /storage/* browsing is for mounted additional real sd cards

    /sdcard/ - it’s internally emulated sd card

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