Optional integer vectors fail to parse when not specified and character argument supplied.

Issue #21 resolved
Former user created an issue

Looks like a bug in parsing. Adding a character argument changes the behaviour of the parsing of an integer vector argument.

argp = arg_parser("OK")
argp = add_argument(argp, "--ivec", type="integer", narg=Inf, help="Vectors should default to zero length if not specified")
argp = add_argument(argp, "--i", type="integer", help="NA default works here")
argv = parse_args(argp, argv=c())

argp = arg_parser("Parse error")
argp = add_argument(argp, "--c", type="character", help="NA default works here")
argp = add_argument(argp, "--ivec", type="integer", narg=Inf, help="Vectors should default to zero length if not specified")
argp = add_argument(argp, "--i", type="integer", help="NA default works here")
argv = parse_args(argp, argv=c("--c", "value"))
#Error in (function (object, class, nargs)  : 
#  Invalid argument value: expecting integer but got: (NA).

Comments (2)

  1. David Shih repo owner

    Fixed in commit d75d49c6.

    Issue was introduced by feature request to check inputs. I forgot to handle NA, which is set by default to unspecified arguments. The first case passes because checking is not done when no input is supplied.

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