Flag with default value as TRUE

Issue #9 invalid
mansunkuo created an issue

Hi, I found that the add_argument function doesn't work with default value as TRUE.

An minimum example flag_error.R is attached. It looks like:

#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
library(argparser, quietly = TRUE)
p <- arg_parser("Hi!")
p <- add_argument(p, arg = "--flag", short = "-f", flag = TRUE, default = TRUE, help = "a flag")
args <- parse_args(p)

Without -f:


1 [1] FALSE

$help [1] FALSE

$flag [1] TRUE

$opts [1] NA

With -f:

./flag_error.R -f

Error in preprocess_argv(argv, parser) :

Insufficient number of arguments supplied for --flag

Calls: parse_args -> preprocess_argv

Execution halted

Is there any way to set a flag with default value as TRUE?

Comments (5)

  1. David Shih repo owner

    As mentioned in ?add_argument, flags do not consume a value.

    Flags are always in the off (FALSE) state by default. This is the common behaviour of most Linux programs.

    If you really want to use a Boolean option, don't set the option as a flag. Just specify a default value of TRUE or FALSE.

    Beware that the definition of TRUE and FALSE vary among programming/scripting languages, and some users may expect 1 to be converted to TRUE and 0 to be converted to FALSE. This is not the case in R.

    library(argparser, quietly=TRUE);
    pr <- arg_parser("Test binary")
    pr <- add_argument(pr, "--binary", default = TRUE, help = "a binary option")
    parse_args(pr, c("-b", "FALSE"));  # FALSE
    parse_args(pr, c("-b", "False"));  # FALSE
    parse_args(pr, c("-b", "false"));  # FALSE
    parse_args(pr, c("-b", "F"));  # FALSE
    parse_args(pr, c("-b", "f"));  # NA
    parse_args(pr, c("-b", "0"));  # NA
    parse_args(pr, c("-b", "TRUE"));  # TRUE
    parse_args(pr, c("-b", "True"));  # TRUE
    parse_args(pr, c("-b", "true"));  # TRUE
    parse_args(pr, c("-b", "T"));  # TRUE
    parse_args(pr, c("-b", "t"));  # NA
    parse_args(pr, c("-b", "1"));  # NA
  2. Mansun Kuo

    Hi David,

    Thanks for your explanation!!! This library save me a lot of time.

    In Python, it is possible to add an argument with action = store_true or store_false to adjust the default value of a logical argument. But I think your point of view is also good and reasonable.
    Thanks for your great work!


  3. David Shih repo owner

    The similarity of argparser to Python's argparse has caused some confusion. I added some clarification to ?add_argument in the latest commit. I'll add some examples at some point.

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