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Alternative Usage

As shown in the round-magrittr.R example script, we can use magrittr to simplify the code. (The code is little exotic, and doing so does make the error message a little more verbose.)

#!/usr/bin/env Rscript

library(magrittr, quietly=TRUE);
library(argparser, quietly=TRUE);

# Create a parser, add arguments, and parse the command line arguments
# All steps are chained together, courtesy of magrittr
argv <- arg_parser("Round a floating point number") %>%
    add_argument("number", help="number to round", type="numeric") %>%
    add_argument("--digits", help="number of decimal places", default=0) %>%

# Do work based on the passed arguments
cat( round(argv$number, argv$digits), "\n");

The script is run in the same way as before.

$ Rscript round.R 3.141
# 3

$ Rscript round.R 3.141 -d 2
# 3.14

See the magrittr vignette for more information.
