proposal and experiment ids groups should not be copied from the spec 122 header as they don't exist there

#30 · Created  · Last updated

Merged pull request

Merged in proposal_and_experiment_id_copy (pull request #30)

fedfec5·Author: ·Closed by: ·2023-02-15


These keys were added to the spec without copy: False. The impact is that there will be messages when using the spec that say

NPROPOS is not in the 122 schema for dkist-id, although the 214 section references it. PROPID<rr> is not in the 122 schema for dkist-id, although the 214 section references it. NEXPERS is not in the 122 schema for dkist-id, although the 214 section references it. EXPRID<ee> is not in the 122 schema for dkist-id, although the 214 section references it.

until this PR is merged and released. Priority is low for “fixing” this.

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