Change workflow naming schema

#11 · Created  · Last updated

Merged pull request

Merged in change_workflow_name_pattern (pull request #11)

bc2a7a3·Author: ·Closed by: ·2022-08-08


As discussed a while back, we plan to change how the workflows (DAGs) are named in the automated processing system. This PR contains the first step in that plan which is changing how workflows are named at the lowest level. This is a breaking change that will require a release party to deploy and will include releases of dkist-processing-test, dkist-processing-visp, and dkist-processing-vbi. Importantly, I don’t think a new version of dkist-processing-common will be required. Updates will also need to be made to the workflow names used in dkistdc-testing. Ideally, all of this will be done before our first run on prod.

The file contains the real changes, everything else is test updates.

New convention: {{input}}_to_{{output}}_{{instrument/category)}}_{{detail}}_{{version}}

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