Update for *-common 3.0.0

#117 · Created  · Last updated

Merged pull request

Merged in common_3.0 (pull request #117)

8b15284·Author: ·Closed by: ·2023-06-27


This PR mostly fixes a breaking change in *-common 3.0.0 where fits_data_read_hdu (or read(decoder=fits_hdu_decoder, ...)) no longer returns a tuple of (Path, HDU). Those methods now simply return the HDU object.

Cases where fits_data_read_hdu were used only to grab the data from the HDU were replaced with read(decoder=fits_array_decoder, ...) to make the code simpler.

Finally, a small bug was fixed in the intermediate frame mixin; now writing arrays will log exactly the arrays just written and ignore an files with the same set of tags that already existed.

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