Intermediate frame mixin improvements

#130 · Created  · Last updated

Merged pull request

Merged in intermediate_frame_args (pull request #130)

8f10ae0·Author: ·Closed by: ·2023-11-28


This PR brings lessons from other pipelines related to the IntermediateFrameHelpersMixin to ViSP. The biggest thing is that intermediate_frame_helpers_load_intermediate_arrays now just takes raw tags as its only argument; the tag construction is the job of the other load... methods. Additionally, there’s no more using locals to be cute in how the tag lists are constructed. Each tag function is explicitly referenced, which is great when using “Find usages” in an IDE.

Finally, because intermediate_frame_helpers_load_intermediate_arrays raises FileNotFoundError when no files are found we can replace all cases of implicitly saying this when running into a StopIteration with the more explicit FileNotFoundError.

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