Add support for PolCal Quality Metrics

#71 · Created  · Last updated

Merged pull request

Merged in polcal_quality_metrics (pull request #71)

e8b3bdc·Author: ·Closed by: ·2022-07-13


This is part of a set of PRs associated with new QA metrics that provide insight into the quality of the computed demodulation matrices. This particular PR is only concerned with ViSP using the new machinery. The actual machinery can be reviewed at this *-common PR and the look and feel can be reviewed at the quality-report-maker PR.

Basically all that this PR does is update *-visp to use the new PolCal metric API provided by *-common. The other somewhat major change is that renaming of compute_polarimetric_metrics to compute_sensitivity to better capture what it does. This function is now called on non-polarimetric data as well.

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