Expose Polcal linear intensity trend removal switch

#86 · Created  · Last updated

Merged pull request

Merged in polcal_detrend_switch (pull request #86)

dda3d40·Author: ·Closed by: ·2022-10-19


By default, *-pac fits and removes a linear intensity trend from all of the reduced PolCal data. This trend is measured using the average flux of the start and end clears and is designed to account for gross systematic shifts in input intensity over the ~13 minutes of a PolCal (maybe some high cirrus clouds or something).

There is suspicion that this de-trend step is at best unneeded or at worst harmful to the accuracy of the demodulation matrices. Fortunately, *-pac already has a switch to turn it off if that’s the decision. This PR simply exposes that switch to *-visp via a parameter.

I imagine that if this switch gets set to False it will stay that way forever.

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