Implement fetchMoreData() if Required

Issue #22 closed
Daniel Marsh-Patrick repo owner created an issue

Custom visuals typically have a fixed limit on the number of rows, but recent changes in the API gives us a mechanism to request up to 100MB of data from our model if there's a ton of data points.

We should test with a sufficiently large data model and get this working, as violin/box plots typically work with a lot of data.

Comments (6)

  1. Daniel Marsh-Patrick reporter

    In starting this, I've observed that the way we're grouping creates a lot of erroneous values, so we're still not doing this right, despite reworking it. the better way would be to group by sampling, then category to keep the grain down, so we'll start with this and see what we can then do with windowing the data etc.

  2. Daniel Marsh-Patrick reporter

    Running in desktop produces a number of errors and gets me stuck in an infinite loop of alert boxes, despite the additional data coming in.

    This appears to be broken in API versions 2.1 and 2.2 but working in 1.13. I don't see a bug report for this, so I'll try and raise one when I get time.

    Have downgraded to 1.13, as I was only staying current for the sake of performance reasons, but I'd rather have a functioning feature :P

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