Category does not work if using Relationship

Issue #98 closed
Former user created an issue

When using a Dim and Fact table, if you pick a category from the Dimension table, it does not render the categories instead making the graph blank. I have checked and the categories can be used to filter this visual in the "Filters" Panel still.

Comments (3)

  1. Daniel Marsh-Patrick repo owner

    Hi there, and thanks for getting in touch. Sorry to hear you’re having trouble.

    Unfortunately, this is not enough information to determine the root cause of your issue. For example, I can produce a working visual with a star schema - for example:

    In this case, the Sampling field and Mean Temperature measure are from the fact table, and the City is a dimension attribute.

    Can you please confirm if you’re using the Sampling data role as intended? This should generate a unique row context for every value you wish to measure the distribution ofor. If you need more assistance with this part, I have a guide here that walks through the correct use of the Sampling role.

    If you are all good on this front, can you perhaps share more detailed steps to reproduce the issue from your end? At the bare minimum, the columns and measures you’re using from your model, and the roles you’re adding them to. What would be even better is if you are able to provide a workbook that I can use to analyse the issue and enable some debugging. If you don’t want to share this publicly, you are welcome to send in confidence to and I can take a look.

    Many thanks,


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