Diacritics marks before kashida not after

Issue #2 closed
Hossein Movahhedian repo owner created an issue

Please note that I am not the owner of this issue. I accidentally deleted the original one and recreated it again.

I have this example of arabic word with diacritic mark يختَصم if I add \KashidaOn the mark appears after kashda, It would be more correct if it were before it


\usepackage[Minimal=On,Kashida=glyph,kashidastretch=0.14 em plus 0.5 em,hboxrecursion=On,vboxrecursion=On,color=red,Kashidafontfamily=Amiri]{texnegar}



\textdir TRT \pardir TRT  \FontNl

\hsize=3in \KashidaOn   يختَصم . \linebreak


Comments (3)

  1. Hossein Movahhedian reporter

    Thanks for the report. In fact, it is very unpleasant when the mark appears after kashida. I will try to fix this problem in the next version.

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