Texnegar with Amiri font

Issue #3 closed
Yacine created an issue

Hello Hossein,

The issue of texnegar with fonts such as Amiri and Scheherazade fonts not working is back. I am not sure in which version it happened but I tried to compile it with the last one you uploaded and it did not work. I appreciate any help. For example, the MWE you posted on Stackexchange: https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/578996/is-it-possible-to-make-texnegar-work-with-arabic-poems-in-lualatex does no longer yields the expected results.

Comments (3)

  1. Yacine reporter

    I just figured out adding: Kashidafontfamily=Amiri for example will do the trick!

    Thank you again.

  2. Hossein Movahhedian repo owner

    The option Kashidafontfamily was added in version 0.1d of texnegar to fix the problem of using fonts other than HM Series and Adobe Arabic in ArabLuaTeX.

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