Why couldnot show the subbmit imformation?

Issue #14 wontfix
rettar created an issue

i integrat jigit in jira, and configurat success but, i submit something by git, there is nothing show in jira Why?

Comments (11)

  1. Dmitrii Apanasevich repo owner

    Are there any errors in JIRA log related to Jigit? You can grep them by the word 'jigit'.

  2. rettar reporter

    There are no errors. I just configur the add-on in jira, i am confused , how to connect jira project and git by jigit ? There are no way to config this, only have the git project

  3. Dmitrii Apanasevich repo owner

    I need more specifics to help you.

    Let's try this way: could you enable extended logging for add-on in JIRA? You have to configure logging level INFO for package name jigit at the page Administration - System - Logging and Profiling. Than you have to wait 5 minutes and attach or quote all log lines related to Jigit.

  4. rettar reporter

    16-Nov-2017 18:07:58.878 WARNING [http-nio-8080-exec-13] com.sun.jersey.spi.container.servlet.WebComponent.filterFormParameters A servlet request, to the URI, contains form parameters in the request body but the request body has been consumed by the servlet or a servlet filter accessing the request parameters. Only resource methods using @FormParam will work as expected. Resource methods consuming the request body by other means will not work as expected.

    The log just like this

  5. rettar reporter

    when commit, should i write the issue id of jira?
    For example: There are A,B,C three project in jira , and O,P,Q in git. I config the O project in jira. When i commit something of O project, i write nothing or write the issue id of A project? I want this commit only display in the A project in jira

  6. Dmitrii Apanasevich repo owner

    16-Nov-2017 18:07:58.878 WARNING [http-nio-8080-exec-13] com.sun.jersey.spi.container.servlet.WebComponent.filterFormParameters A servlet request, to the URI, contains form parameters in the request body but the request body has been consumed by the servlet or a servlet filter accessing the request parameters. Only resource methods using @FormParam will work as expected. Resource methods consuming the request body by other means will not work as expected.

    It's better than nothing, but it's just a sign that you pressed 'Test connection' button. Have you get a successful answer after that?

    Have you enabled logging level INFO for jigit package? It looks like you haven't done it.

    when commit, should i write the issue id of jira?

    Yes, your commit message should contain an issue key or keys.

    How can i build the relationship between project A in jira and project B in git?

    You shouldn't do it. Jigit works another way. It scans your GitLab project and displays in an issue tab all commits with messages that contain a key of an JIRA issue.

    For example, you configured GitLab project rettar/my-favourite-project. If you push a commit with a message Add new feature PROJ-123 than this commit will be displayed at Jigit tab of issue PROJ-123.

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