Errors after Integrating JIRA 7.2 and GIT 9.0 using Jigit

Issue #30 wontfix
Former user created an issue

Dear Support,

We have recently upgraded our GIT server from Version 7.1 to 9.0 as per the documentation and integration works fine. But we are getting some errors in the JIRA log file. We created an Atlassian support request but they have forwarded us to contact you for these errors.

Can you please review the following errors in the log file and let us know how can these be fixed?

2018-03-06 09:31:40,469 Caesium-1-1 ERROR ServiceRunner [jigit.indexer.JigitIndexer] JigitIndexer::execute api.APIException: {"message":"401 Unauthorized"} at api.client.http.ApiHttpRequester.handleError( at api.client.http.ApiHttpRequester.parse( at api.client.http.ApiHttpRequester.withResultOf( at api.client.http.ApiHttpRequester.withResultOf( at jigit.client.gitlab.GitLabRepositoryAPI.branches( at jigit.indexer.api.gitlab.GitLabAPIAdapter.branches( at jigit.indexer.branch.BranchesApiCall.branches( at jigit.indexer.repository.RepoInfoDirectProxy.<init>( at jigit.indexer.repository.RepoType$1.repositories( at jigit.indexer.repository.RepoInfoFactoryImpl.getGitlabAPIAdapter( at at at jigit.indexer.JigitIndexer.execute( ... Caused by: Server returned HTTP response code: 401 for URL: at at at api.client.http.ApiHttpRequester.parse(

Comments (4)

  1. Dmitrii Apanasevich repo owner


    {"message":"401 Unauthorized"}

    This is what your GitLab returns on each API call.

    I think, you have to create new GitLab access token (or tokens, it depends on your use case) and specify it (them) for each Jigit repository at the config page using Edit button.

  2. Dmitrii Apanasevich repo owner

    This issue doesn't need any fix, so, I've closed it. But we can continue discussion in comments.

    Feel free to ask questions.

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