Having trouble configuring repositories

Issue #8 closed
Former user created an issue

When I try testing connection, I get this error:

HTTP/1.1 400: https://gitlab.eng.xxxxx.net/api/v3/projects/sweng%2Famm/repository/branches/master

This is how our repository is setup: https://gitlab.eng.xxxxx.net/sweng/amm/tree/master/

Is there any way to override the default?

Comments (3)

  1. Dmitrii Apanasevich repo owner

    It looks like a network issue. The other reason is that you've entered wrong setting.

    Try to check wheather your GitLab server is accessible from JIRA server with command line commands. Enter them at JIRA server side.

    The first:

    ping https://gitlab.eng.xxxxx.net

    and the second:

    curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: {YOUR_TOKEN_HERE}" "https://gitlab.eng.xxxxx.net/api/v3/projects"

    What is the output?

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