General Usage - Apparently I'm an Idiot

Issue #96 invalid
Jason Macer created an issue

I have your plugin active on a Jira software server install version 8.5.1 integrated with a gitlab 12.5.4-ee install, and both are running on centos7 virtual machines.

Inside Jira → Gears → System → Manage Apps - Jigit Plugin Config I see the three connections, all are linked to groups inside gitlab, and all have the green “ACTIVE” icon under their names. Ironically, it seems to only index those repositories directly under the linked group (eg. my_git_group/repo_one). It will not index repositories in a sub-group of that group (eg. my_git_group/another_group/repo_two). This is why I have three separate connections as my system is setup with sub-groups. I explain this as I do not know if that is correct, or if it is in fact supposed to index the sub-group repositories or not.

That said, I do not see the 2nd view as displayed on the Atlassian Marketplace Link for the jira-jigit-plugin which shows you the branches and allows you to create one, all mine shows is “Index all branches (32)” or “Index all branches (13).” Even under the “Actions” drop down I only see Edit, Disable, Reindex, and Delete.

I also do not see the 3rd view, the “Activity” view which shows the jigit tab with those commits, et cetera. I even added a new issue in gitlab for one of my Jira issues (CLC-1) and it did not show up anywhere that I have seen so far on jira.

Like I said, maybe I am a complete idiot and I am just missing something. I would appreciate any guidance in this issue.


Comments (5)

  1. Jason Macer reporter

    Dmitrii, I was being somewhat of an idiot, and it seems the tab for the jigit has been moved to the bottom of the screen now.

  2. Jason Macer reporter

    I apologize for this. Now that that is done, and I know where to look for things, I can see the comments from the commit / push.

    Will this also show comments on issues?

  3. Dmitrii Apanasevich repo owner

    Hi Jason,

    As I understand you've managed to setup a configuration.

    Do you still have any problems or questions?

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