V6 Prerelease tests

Issue #21 resolved
Дмитрий Олареско repo owner created an issue

This issue will contain all bugs found when testing v6 prerelease.


  • Fixed Group Play application stucks and then phone goes to reboot

  • Fixed Samsung Link application stucks and then phone goes to reboot

  • Fixed Bug with secPhone, bottom part is out of the screen. Bug only appears on 8190 version (8190L has no such bug too) Screenshot

  • Fixed Bug with weather on lockscreen exists: sometimes it shows snow icon and, for example, 24C, looks like default image is snow. Screenshot

  • Fixed. Assistive light widget does not work

Can you take a look on it and test ROM with different installation options?

Btw, don`t forget to pull latest changes

Comments (29)

  1. Дмитрий Олареско reporter

    when installing 8190N variant - there is no bug with phone app.

    Lockscreen themed but the bug with weather on lockscreen is still there: sometimes it shows, for example, +24C with show icon. This bug was on version 5 too, as I remember.

    Anyhow, now I`m downloading fresh 8190 stock firmware and will try files from it.

    Also will test 8190L version.

    Group Play and Samsung Link still not working for me. does not matter what options I choose.

  2. Дмитрий Олареско reporter

    Test secPhone problem on 8190L: no bug. 8190 version is buggy only. Will fix it by myself.

    There are 3 bugs only left: 1. Group Play and Samsung Link apps not working on all variants, at least for me. 2. Lockscreen weather sometimes shows wrong icon 3. accuweather.com displayed on lockscreen: I will try to fix it by myself.

  3. Дмитрий Олареско reporter

    Installed stock firmware via Odin. Group Play and Samsung Link still not working even on stock. Maybe some lib is missing oO

  4. Дмитрий Олареско reporter

    fixed problem with secPhone on 8190. simply updated kernel, build.prop and other version specific files from latest EUR stock firmware.

  5. Дмитрий Олареско reporter

    btw, cannot reproduce the bug with wrong weather icon on lockscreen anymore.

  6. Дмитрий Олареско reporter

    Dario, can you confirm problems with Group play and Samsung Link?

    All other bugs resolved already. only this two left

  7. Дмитрий Олареско reporter

    btw, installed group play and Samsung Link from market and now they working for me. will integrate fresh apk files to ROM and test again

  8. Дмитрий Олареско reporter

    Fixed problems with Group Play and Samsung Link Commit 843d509

    Just needed to not only add apk but add lib too.

    Looks like ROM is ready for release.

    Please, test it ones again and then I will upload packed ROM to few mirrors and provide you download links that can be added to the first post on XDA

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