System always using a core.(One of the cores at 100% of usage)

Issue #41 resolved
Marcelo Teixeira Costa created an issue

Whenever I install the V6 Dmod ROM I detect a Core Being used by system. When I turn of screen this not happen.

When I look at battery usage menu I can see the Item "Android SO" with High percentage. Note that my system runs with Brazilian portuguese localization and therefore there is another process called "Sistema Android" running togheter (this one with lower percentage).

I just flashed using TWRP using some options, no avail. Tried not using my google account, I thought that maybe some app being reinstalled could be causing this. no avail either. I use Quick system info pro to detect the problem. Will use other ROM for now.

My galaxy is a GT-i8190L (Brazilian unlocked, original CSC "ZTR") Base band: I8190LUBAMB1

Thank you for the attention.


Comments (12)

  1. Дмитрий Олареско repo owner

    You may find out what exact process uses your battery with BetterBatteryStats app

    Otherwise we can`t help you

  2. Marcelo Teixeira Costa reporter

    OK, In the process area of better battery stats I can see that kworker/1:0 have a a big red bar(goes from the left to the right of the screen). kworker/1:3 Almost same size of the first.

    After that there is System with very small bar half blue and half red.

    Well, are these kworkers using my processing time?

    Thanks for pointing me to the right direction!!

  3. Marcelo Teixeira Costa reporter

    What kind of information can I provide using Betterbatterystats to help?

    There is a lot of information.

    I reset the system again, now in kernel Wakelock "radio interface" appear in first with a full red bar. 9s(9s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec) 12/0/0 1,1%

    Followed by "mali_wakelock" with a 75% red bar, gray after that.

    In partial wakelocks appears. AudioOut_2 1013 3 m 23 s (203s) Count:36 18,2%

    PS: It enters in deep sleep normally...

    PS²: Now it's kworker/1:1 that have the biggest bar...

  4. Дмитрий Олареско repo owner

    It is hard to say what exact problem you have. You need to try to install 8190 version instead 8190L. 8190L and 8190 does not differs at all except L in the name and preinstalled languages

    We cannot test this ROM on 8190L because not me nor Dario owns 8190L variant

  5. Raphael Muñoz

    Exact the same problem here. With the L and the normal version the same. Android system is consuming battery all the time

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