Request for the status bar.

Issue #48 resolved
Lim Yu Yang created an issue

I flashed the addon status bar. ( white text, black background, white font ). But now, I dislike the white text and white font. So can u please give me the file that makes the status bar changes to BLACK BACKGROUND only.

And 1 more request, after I flash the status bar. My battery icon is not the circle thingy, it changes to original. I want the circle thingy battery icon.

Conclusion : I have 2 request. 1- I want black background status bar instead of white text and white icon. 2- I want the circle thingy battery icon.

I hope you understand what I mean. =D

Comments (8)

  1. Дмитрий Олареско repo owner

    If you want black background only you need to take stock status bar:

    or stock with circle battery:

    And change background color using Xposed Framework with no file modifications.

    If you want black statusbar with circle battery and white S4 styled icons you need to take this file:

  2. Lim Yu Yang reporter
    • changed status to open

    @dolaresko I want black background + circle battery + original text and icon ( instead of the white text)

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