Crash in gallery

Issue #49 resolved
Veli-Pekka created an issue

When I'm taking photo of something and try to look it by clicking the photo in the corner. The camera picture freezes and it stays there untill reset.

Comments (7)

  1. Дмитрий Олареско repo owner

    there is no s4 gallery. s3mini stock, note II, aosp and miui only

  2. Дмитрий Олареско repo owner

    ok. This problem caused by choosen non samsung gallery apps like AOSP or MIUI. You need to use some other camera app instead of stock (something from the market, maybe). Stock camera app has hadrcoded application call and it cannot be changed.

    You may try to rename /system/app/MIUIGallery3D.apk file to SecGallery2.apk but only 10% that it will help.

    The best option is to use stock or Note II gallery app or use not stock camera.

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