Using Dolfin Adjoint for Custom method to estimate the roots

Issue #19 resolved
Ricardo D. Lahuerta created an issue

Dear all,

My apologies for bothering you regarding Dolfin Adjoint issues.

I would like to know if you have some examples related to the "Lower-level interfaces."

I need to solve my problem implementing a particular type o full Newton method to estimate the roots of the problem and during the optimization process, the Dolfin Adjoint replaces my solving method when I call the reduced functional. How can I do a more low-level implementation that Dolfin Adjoint can keep my particular solution method?

Is there any example?

Best Regards,

Comments (5)

  1. Simon Funke

    Hi Ricardo,

    I think what you are asking is if you can add a custom solve into the dolfin-adjoint pipeline with your own Newton implementation? Is that correct?


  2. Ricardo D. Lahuerta reporter

    Hello Simon,

    I implemented a Generalized Displacement Control Method (GDCM) to solve instability structural problems inside o fenics. For that is not possible to use the Newton method.

    I would like to use dolfin-adjoint to perform topology optimization, for that, I have to solver the adjoint problem manually for each GDCM step.

    I would like to know some example that I can use dolfin-adjoint libraries to perform it.


  3. Ricardo D. Lahuerta reporter

    Hello Simon,

    I started to programming a ReducedFunctional for a GDCM, using libadjoint libraries.

    I think I will need more information about the variables, but I appreciate a lot your time to have a look in my issue.

    If you have more examples or information, it will be very welcome.


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