Anaconda installing package for `dolfin-adjoint`?

Issue #28 resolved
Quang-Thinh Ha created an issue

Considering that there are conda recipes install for dolfin already, shouldn't a similar one for dolfin-adjoint be made? It would be convenient to have recipes for the entire dolfin-adjoint, including ipopt and pyipopt (if possible can extend to moola)...

Comments (7)

  1. Simon Funke

    I absolutely agree. Both libadjoint and dolfin-adjoint can be installed with cmake so it should be straight forward to write the and meta.yml files (I will attach an untested version for libadjoint). Quang, would you be willing to implement these packages (and ideally make a pull request into

    One of the problems with IPOpt is that it relies on the HSL libraries, which are licensed quite strictly, but required for good performance. In particular one needs to register to download which makes an automated installation difficult. Moola on the other hand is a pure Python package, so that should be easy.

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