docker with IPOpt

Issue #49 resolved
Evan Cummings created an issue


I'm trying to create a docker which includes IPOpt, and am getting a segfault when running a test script.

I am wondering, do you have a docker that includes IPOpt?

Comments (5)

  1. Evan Cummings reporter

    I have tried basing the Dockerfile from dolfin-adjoint, and fenics-stable, with both giving the same error. However, the L_BFGS_B method does work. I am not familiar with the `testscript gdb'.

    Here's what I have (based from fenics-stable):

    #FROM ubuntu:16.04
    MAINTAINER pf4d <>
    #RUN apt-get update && \
    #    apt-get -y install software-properties-common
    USER root
    #RUN add-apt-repository ppa:fenics-packages/fenics && \
    RUN apt-get update && \
        apt-get -y install python-pip \
                           python-shapely \
                           htop \
                           vim \
                           git \
                           curl \
                           wget \
                           libsm6 \
                           libglu1-mesa && \
        apt-get -y dist-upgrade
    # get the latest python packages :
    RUN pip install --upgrade colored \
                              termcolor \
                              pyproj \
    # install libadjoint :
    RUN git clone -b libadjoint-2016.1.0 && \
        cd libadjoint && \
        mkdir build; cd build && \
        cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="/usr/local" .. && \
        make install && \
        cd ../.. && \
        rm -r libadjoint
    # install dolfin-adjoint :
    RUN git clone -b dolfin-adjoint-2016.1.0
    ENV PYTHONPATH /home/fenics/dolfin-adjoint:$PYTHONPATH
    # install ipopt with metis and mumps, still need HSL :
    RUN cd /tmp && \
        curl -O && \
        tar -xvf Ipopt-3.12.6.tgz && \
        cd Ipopt-3.12.6 && \
        cd ThirdParty/Metis && \
        ./get.Metis && \
        cd ../../ && \
        cd ThirdParty/Mumps && \
        ./get.Mumps && \
        cd ../../ && \
        ./configure --with-blas="-lblas -llapack" --with-lapack="-llapack" --prefix="/usr/local" && \
        make install && \
        cd ../ && \
        rm -r Ipopt-3.12.6
    #./configure --with-blas="-lblas -llapack" --with-lapack="-llapack" --with-hsl-incdir="/usr/local/include" --with-hsl-lib="/usr/local/lib" --with-mumps-incdir="/usr/include" --with-mumps-lib="/usr/lib" --prefix="/usr/local"'
    # install pyipopt :
    RUN cd /tmp && \
        git clone && \
        cd pyipopt && \
        python build && \
        python install && \
        cd ../ && \
        ldconfig && \
        rm -r pyipopt
    # install basemap for matplotlib :
    RUN wget && \
        tar -xzvf basemap-1.0.7.tar.gz && \
        cd basemap-1.0.7/geos-3.3.3/ && \
        export GEOS_DIR=/usr/local/ && \
        ./configure --prefix=$GEOS_DIR && \
        make && \
        make install && \
        cd .. && \
        python install && \
        cd .. && \
        rm -r basemap-1.0.7 && \
        rm basemap-1.0.7.tar.gz
    # install gmsh-dynamic 2.10.1 :
    RUN wget -O gmsh.tgz && \
        tar -xzvf gmsh.tgz && \
        cd gmsh-2.10.1-dynamic-svn-Linux && \
        cd gmshpy && \
        python install && \
        ldconfig && \
        cd ../.. && \
        rm gmsh.tgz
    ENV PATH /home/fenics/gmsh-2.10.1-dynamic-svn-Linux/bin:$PATH
    ENV LD_LIBRARY_PATH /home/fenics/gmsh-2.10.1-dynamic-svn-Linux/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
    # install cslvr :
    RUN git clone
    ENV PYTHONPATH /home/fenics/cslvr:$PYTHONPATH
    # finally, cleanup :
    RUN apt-get clean && \
        rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* /tmp/* /var/tmp/*
  2. Simon Funke


    I have now added IpOpt to the official Docker files - but I do get the same segmentation fault as you do.

    Running the optimization_pyipopt test with the dev-dolfin-adjoint Docker image results in this:

    Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
    __GI___libc_free (mem=0xfff907aa00027100) at malloc.c:2952
    2952    malloc.c: No such file or directory.
    (gdb) bt
    #0  __GI___libc_free (mem=0xfff907aa00027100) at malloc.c:2952
    #1  0x00007fffe757179b in Ipopt::MumpsSolverInterface::InitializeStructure (this=0x1bf04c0, dim=21, nonzeros=42, ia=0x1c20a40, ja=0x1c20af0) at IpMumpsSolverInterface.cpp:312
    #2  0x00007fffe7555217 in Ipopt::TSymLinearSolver::InitializeStructure (this=0x1bf52f0, sym_A=...) at IpTSymLinearSolver.cpp:344
    #3  0x00007fffe75547c3 in Ipopt::TSymLinearSolver::MultiSolve (this=0x1bf52f0, sym_A=..., rhsV=std::vector of length 1, capacity 1 = {...}, solV=std::vector of length 1, capacity 1 = {...}, 
        check_NegEVals=true, numberOfNegEVals=0) at IpTSymLinearSolver.cpp:169
    #4  0x00007fffe7544b2f in Ipopt::StdAugSystemSolver::MultiSolve (this=0x1bf5380, W=0xe3fb50, W_factor=1, D_x=0x1c22be0, delta_x=0, D_s=0x1c1ebb0, delta_s=0, J_c=0x1b67190, D_c=0x0, 
        delta_c=0, J_d=0x1c17af0, D_d=0x0, delta_d=0, rhs_xV=std::vector of length 1, capacity 1 = {...}, rhs_sV=std::vector of length 1, capacity 1 = {...}, 
        rhs_cV=std::vector of length 1, capacity 1 = {...}, rhs_dV=std::vector of length 1, capacity 1 = {...}, sol_xV=std::vector of length 1, capacity 1 = {...}, 
        sol_sV=std::vector of length 1, capacity 1 = {...}, sol_cV=std::vector of length 1, capacity 1 = {...}, sol_dV=std::vector of length 1, capacity 1 = {...}, check_NegEVals=true, 
        numberOfNegEVals=0) at IpStdAugSystemSolver.cpp:222
    #5  0x00007fffe7481f42 in Ipopt::AugSystemSolver::Solve (this=0x1bf5380, W=0xe3fb50, W_factor=1, D_x=0x1c22be0, delta_x=0, D_s=0x1c1ebb0, delta_s=0, J_c=0x1b67190, D_c=0x0, delta_c=0, 
        J_d=0x1c17af0, D_d=0x0, delta_d=0, rhs_x=..., rhs_s=..., rhs_c=..., rhs_d=..., sol_x=..., sol_s=..., sol_c=..., sol_d=..., check_NegEVals=true, numberOfNegEVals=0)
        at IpAugSystemSolver.hpp:104
    #6  0x00007fffe74e9a3e in Ipopt::LowRankAugSystemSolver::Solve (this=0x1bf5480, W=0x1c251c0, W_factor=1, D_x=0x1c22be0, delta_x=0, D_s=0x1c1ebb0, delta_s=0, J_c=0x1b67190, D_c=0x0, 
        delta_c=0, J_d=0x1c17af0, D_d=0x0, delta_d=0, rhs_x=..., rhs_s=..., rhs_c=..., rhs_d=..., sol_x=..., sol_s=..., sol_c=..., sol_d=..., check_NegEVals=true, numberOfNegEVals=0)
        at IpLowRankAugSystemSolver.cpp:170
    #7  0x00007fffe7514737 in Ipopt::PDFullSpaceSolver::SolveOnce (this=0x1bf5560, resolve_with_better_quality=false, pretend_singular=false, W=..., J_c=..., J_d=..., Px_L=..., Px_U=..., 
        Pd_L=..., Pd_U=..., z_L=..., z_U=..., v_L=..., v_U=..., slack_x_L=..., slack_x_U=..., slack_s_L=..., slack_s_U=..., sigma_x=..., sigma_s=..., alpha=1, beta=0, rhs=..., res=...)
        at IpPDFullSpaceSolver.cpp:518
    #8  0x00007fffe75124ae in Ipopt::PDFullSpaceSolver::Solve (this=0x1bf5560, alpha=-1, beta=0, rhs=..., res=..., allow_inexact=true, improve_solution=false) at IpPDFullSpaceSolver.cpp:216
    #9  0x00007fffe75263d7 in Ipopt::QualityFunctionMuOracle::CalculateMu (this=0x1bf6750, mu_min=9.9999999999999994e-12, mu_max=1000.0000495969518, 
        new_mu=@0x7fffffffcd00: 1.4588114271222651e-316) at IpQualityFunctionMuOracle.cpp:226
    #10 0x00007fffe746be5d in Ipopt::AdaptiveMuUpdate::UpdateBarrierParameter (this=0x1bf6910) at IpAdaptiveMuUpdate.cpp:394
    #11 0x00007fffe74ad658 in Ipopt::IpoptAlgorithm::UpdateBarrierParameter (this=0x1bf6a50) at IpIpoptAlg.cpp:489
    #12 0x00007fffe74ac7f8 in Ipopt::IpoptAlgorithm::Optimize (this=0x1bf6a50, isResto=false) at IpIpoptAlg.cpp:317
    #13 0x00007fffe74135d1 in Ipopt::IpoptApplication::call_optimize (this=0x1b88230) at IpIpoptApplication.cpp:885
    #14 0x00007fffe74125e2 in Ipopt::IpoptApplication::OptimizeNLP (this=0x1b88230, nlp=..., alg_builder=...) at IpIpoptApplication.cpp:772
    #15 0x00007fffe741229c in Ipopt::IpoptApplication::OptimizeNLP (this=0x1b88230, nlp=...) at IpIpoptApplication.cpp:735
    #16 0x00007fffe7411dd9 in Ipopt::IpoptApplication::OptimizeTNLP (this=0x1b88230, tnlp=...) at IpIpoptApplication.cpp:714
    #17 0x00007fffe741d41d in IpoptSolve (ipopt_problem=0x1b88b90, x=0x1b88ae0, g=0x0, obj_val=0x7fffffffdb68, mult_g=0x1b95bb0, mult_x_L=0x1b78c20, mult_x_U=0x1b89450, user_data=0x1bef760)
        at IpStdCInterface.cpp:272
    #18 0x00007fffe785a7d6 in solve (self=<optimized out>, args=<optimized out>) at src/pyipoptcoremodule.c:663
    #19 0x00000000004c41da in PyEval_EvalFrameEx ()
    #20 0x00000000004c994f in PyEval_EvalFrameEx ()
    #21 0x00000000004c22e5 in PyEval_EvalCodeEx ()
    #22 0x00000000004c2089 in PyEval_EvalCode ()
    #23 0x00000000004f1e6f in ?? ()
    #24 0x00000000004ec802 in PyRun_FileExFlags ()
    #25 0x00000000004eaf81 in PyRun_SimpleFileExFlags ()
    #26 0x000000000049e36a in Py_Main ()
    #27 0x00007ffff7811830 in __libc_start_main (main=0x49dcd0 <main>, argc=2, argv=0x7fffffffe238, init=<optimized out>, fini=<optimized out>, rtld_fini=<optimized out>, 
        stack_end=0x7fffffffe228) at ../csu/libc-start.c:291
    #28 0x000000000049dbf9 in _start ()
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