Jar files are missing on https://plugins.gradle.org/m2

Issue #16 resolved
Aleksandr Stasko (EPAM) created an issue


Today we've tried to assemble new versions of our product where we're using your plugin but with no luck.

Now we getting following error:

Could not resolve all files for configuration ':docker:compileClasspath'.
> Could not find gradle.plugin.com.patdouble:gradle-aws-ecr-plugin:0.3.3.
  Required by:
      project :docker

After some investigations I've found that Jars are missing here: https://plugins.gradle.org/m2/com/patdouble/awsecr/com.patdouble.awsecr.gradle.plugin/0.3.3/

I'd be happy to update plugin to 0.5.1 version but there are no jar either.

Comments (8)

  1. Aleksandr Stasko (EPAM) reporter

    Oh, I see.

    Actually, we're using your plugin as classpath dependency for our custom plugin:

    dependencyManagement {
        dependencies {
            dependency "gradle.plugin.com.patdouble:gradle-aws-ecr-plugin:${ecrPluginVersion}"

    in build.gradle of module:

    dependencies {
  2. Aleksandr Stasko (EPAM) reporter

    Yes, you are right. Something happened with our plugin which adds repositories to modules and I missed that. I'm sorry for the false alarm.

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