Subprojects issue Cannot access first() element from an empty Iterable

Issue #21 closed
Serge Mbikina created an issue


I get the following error when I set the plugin in a Gradle project with subprojects. I used the same configuration in simple projects and the plugin works just fine and is able to push docker images to ECR.

What would be the right setting with subprojects? Missing something?



Caused by: java.util.NoSuchElementException: Cannot access first() element from an empty Iterable
at com.patdouble.gradle.awsecr.AwsecrPlugin.findRepository(AwsecrPlugin.groovy:78)

Comments (4)

  1. Vincent King

    I have this same issue, could you explain more how this was resolved?
    not sure what “The issue was caused by a DockerPushImage task without any attributes.” means

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