Registry URL doesn't always have HTTPS scheme

Issue #3 resolved
Chris Wensel created an issue

My high level issue is that I cannot get the plugin to fire.

That said, poking around i noticed the regex matching on 'https:/'.

for the task/property docker.registry this is fine, but this is not valid with a 'tag' having the repo prefixed (an parse error is thrown).

fwiw, using this idiom for tags fails if registry starts with 'https'

tag = "${docker.registry}/${}/${applicationName}"

that all said, even using https in the docker.registry and putting the domain name in the tag, the plugin still won't fire. i'm not finding any logs the help me sort out why.

Comments (13)

  1. Patrick Double repo owner

    You are correct, the https should not be in the tag. I don't think the matcher needs that.

    If you run with --info there is some logging.

  2. Chris Wensel Account Deactivated reporter

    with -i no plugin logs fire when i use 'https' on docker.registry so I think there is actually another issue I haven't found. will try to attach a debugger

  3. Chris Wensel Account Deactivated reporter

    yeah, ok. just realized i'm using 'se.transmode.gradle:gradle-docker:1.2', not 'com.bmuschko:gradle-docker-plugin:3.0.5'

    ugh. will try this other one.

  4. Chris Wensel Account Deactivated reporter

    fyi, the plugin now fires because i'm using the correct docker plugin, but it is not finding the registry url.

    my tag has the repo prefixed (without the https) so that won't be caught by the regex. and i have a docker.registryCredentials.url set, but its not seen (well its not searched for)

    but if i add ext.repository = '' to my DockerPushImage task it does attempt to build credentials (still fails on denied: Your Authorization Token is invalid..

    i think maybe an example usage on the README would benefit me.

  5. Patrick Double repo owner

    I'll update the README, but a quick look at my use case shows that I'm not including the repo name as part of the tag. That may be how the docker command line works, but the gradle-docker-plugin does not. Only put the name of the name in the tag and set the repo using https://... and give it a go.

  6. Chris Wensel Account Deactivated reporter

    I guess i'm missing something, none of the tasks in the docker plugin allow for a attribute named 'repository', so i had to manually add one using the ext. hack in gradle to add attributes.

  7. Patrick Double repo owner

    You configure your registry in a docker config block. From :

    docker {
        url = ''
        certPath = new File(['user.home'], '.boot2docker/certs/boot2docker-vm')
        registryCredentials {
            url = ''
            username = 'bmuschko'
            password = 'pwd'
            email = ''

    Don't specify the username or password. That is what this plugin is supposed to provide.

  8. Chris Wensel Account Deactivated reporter

    Therein lies my confusion as I am only using ECR so have not added the registryCredentials block. thanks

  9. Chris Wensel Account Deactivated reporter

    Ok, so that doesn't work if I create a docker block with credentials as there is no attribute named repository. See AwsecrPlugin#findRepository, it only searches for the following values

    • repository
    • imageName
    • tag

    if there was a repository attribute, being prefixed with https makes lots of sense. imageName and tag will not be prefixed.

    so other than shoving a ext.repository attribute onto one of the tasks, i'm unsure how this can work.

    This does work

    ext.repository = ''
    task buildDockerImage( type: DockerBuildImage, dependsOn: copyDockerfile ) {
      inputDir = copyDockerfile.destinationDir
      tag = "${project.repository}/${}/${}:${project.version}"
    task pushDockerImage( type: DockerPushImage, dependsOn: buildDockerImage ) {
      ext.repository = "https://${project.repository}"
      imageName = "${buildDockerImage.tag}"

    for ECR, if the tag of the pushed image does not prefix with the ECR name (, the task fails (it is required so ECR knows where to put the image).

    fwiw, i'm aiming for a configuration this simple (without the ext.repository on the pushDockerImage task)

    ext.repository = ''
    task buildDockerImage( type: DockerBuildImage, dependsOn: copyDockerfile ) {
      inputDir = copyDockerfile.destinationDir
      tag = "${}/${}:${project.version}"
    task pushDockerImage( type: DockerPushImage, dependsOn: buildDockerImage ) {
      imageName = "${buildDockerImage.tag}"
      tag = "${project.repository}/${buildDockerImage.tag}"

    unfortunately the last tag isn't being honored by DockerPushImage, something else to sort out as I don't need repo names in my local images registry.

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