No activity on GPU when compiled with.

Issue #18 resolved
Former user created an issue


I'm under Debian Stretch. I've installed all compilers of 4.9.4 versions in order to be well compiled under cuda.

Here are my commands to compile: sed -i "s/compute_35/compute_35\ -Xcompiler\ -fPIC/g" ./ make distclean-recursive ./configure --with-cuda --with-fftw --enable-integer-positions

I add -Xcompiler -fPIC in NCCFLAGS in order to compile correctly.

When I launch on default example ( cd examples ; mpiexec ../pkdgrav3_mpi cosmoloy.par ), the program seems to access to GPU (lsof | grep pkdgrav3 | grep nvidia0 returns lots of outputs) but the activity command provided by Nvidia provides nothing.

nvidia-smi --query-compute-apps=pid,process_name,used_memory --format=csv

I try to compile and execute without CUDA support and I got exactly the same execution time... I try to get any GPU activity over 10 different GPUs, I got nothing (p100, k80, k40, gtx1080ti, m2200, etc).

Where is my failure ?

Best regards

Comments (2)

  1. Douglas Potter repo owner

    To enable GPU use, you must set the "CUDA Queue Size" on the command line. A suitable value is 8, for example:

    mpirun pkdgrav3_mpi -cqs 8 input.par

    Yes, I know this is not very intuitive, and a future version will "automatically" enable the GPU by default if it is detected.

  2. Douglas Potter repo owner

    The new version, when compiled with GPU support, will automatically enable the GPU if it is available.

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