Public p2p network?

Issue #3 closed
David Parrish created an issue

Is this library something that could be used for a public peer-to-peer network? Is using this library for a public network a bad idea?

I tried out the "JollyCloud" example and I found it easy to use. I want to create a network which others could going which syncs some data between the nodes. Could this library help me?

Comments (5)

  1. dp wiz repo owner

    I see a problem here with the "public" part. The node controllers try to establish direct connections between all the nodes involved. There's no grouping or limiting like "5 connections are just enough" and no routing for those outside the group.

    That said, it's okay to have tight everybody-to-everybody cluster of nodes over public network (beware of netsplits!) and separate clusters of LAN clients hanging to their nearest gateway node.

  2. dp wiz repo owner

    Yep. Just like the original Erlang were. WAN coordination is a big can of worms where literally everything can go wrong and be used adversarially. For some resemblance of sanity you can tunnel your inter-cluster coordination network through a VPN'd bridge.

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