Local Time (where collected versus where displayed)

Issue #9 resolved
James Powell repo owner created an issue

Log saved in UTC, without Timezone info, then displayed in local time (of computer doing display). Confusing, as intuitively, teh relevant local time is from where the dat was taken, not displayed.

Comments (3)

  1. James Powell reporter

    Note: proper Timezone Local time is tricky. Can be done through calls to Windows (but that would be Windows-specific). Possibly, we should just display the timezone name in teh Viewer.

  2. James Powell reporter

    Put timezone in top left Row Header, so at least User realizes if they think it is local time in teh place where it was logged.

  3. James Powell reporter

    Resolved with: * new column for localtime offset * schema Version (to allow older files with no offset * Viwer displays local time (as saved) by default

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