High Code Complexity in JSON text to Variant

Issue #106 resolved
James Powell repo owner created an issue

Work on #96 has pushed Code Complexity of this VI up to a massive 17!!! Very slow compiling, almost unusable.

Comments (4)

  1. James Powell reporter

    Non-inlining Scaler “JSON text to Variant” and “Get Array Elements (by Offset)” reduce the complexity enough to work with (8.0) but this is not ideal speed wise.

  2. James Powell reporter

    Made non-inlined wrappers for “JSON text to Variant”, with one of them calling the inline version in a loop. This gives the major benefit of inlining on long arrays. Also improved the handling of Arrays of Clusters, which invloled adding some subVIs, thus also improving things a bit. Complexity now 7.7

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