German Characters not Working in "Set Item" or "Set Item (as LV Type)"

Issue #115 closed
nikolaus.naredi-rainer created an issue

Hi James,
sorry to bother you once again with the German special characters (referring to this thread).

I tried setting some items into the json and they turn out a bit strange.
The attached files show the block diagram and the result from the front panel.

Thanks a lot for providing an awesome toolkit, anyway!

Comments (5)

  1. James Powell repo owner

    Those three dots actually the Horizontal Ellipsis character, U+2026? So they need to be converted into UTF-8 form: 0xE2 0x80 0xA6, which is rendered as …

    Your second conversion, where you just put quotes around your text, is not real JSON, as it is not UTF-8. I would advise always letting the library convert strings.

  2. nikolaus.naredi-rainer reporter

    Regarding the U+2026: I don’t think so, unless windows replaces automatically three dots on the keyboard with the Ellipsis. At least in the IDE, I just typed three times the “.” character.

    The second conversion was just to try it out with a different input.

  3. James Powell repo owner

    I suspect your keyboard did do that. My keyboard does, I just checked. And it replaces - and > with →, for example.

    I can’t open your attachments as I don’t have LabVIEW 2022, but you can try setting the string display to hexadecimal, to see what those three dots. actually are.

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