Too short timeout in Launch code?

Issue #17 new
James Powell repo owner created an issue

Keit MANTIS #3625: Error seen that appears to be a timeout of this receive in the launch code. Should it be much longer?

Timeout on actor start.png

Comments (6)

  1. James Powell reporter

    Note: this was an ActorNR, which undergoes restart. Logs seem to indicate that there was a delay it this VI starting, and the "Launch Actor" call timed out (at 5 seconds default timeout). Regardless, this needs a better error message, as teh current one is an Error-91 from teh Variant-to-data call above.

  2. James Powell reporter

    Timing holes here can perhaps be fixed by switching to Future Tokens, in place of the QueueMessengers.

  3. James Powell reporter

    Separate idea: Add "Destroy Queue (static)" to menus and have it return remaining messages (as a way of preventing dropped messages).

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