Error in launching "Metronome(X)": Actor (Internal Use).lvclass:Launch inside Dynamic Launch

Issue #47 resolved
James Powell repo owner created an issue

Start Metronome throws error 40284, Error in launching "Metronome(X)": Actor (Internal Use).lvclass:Launch inside Dynamic Launch

Preliminary:: Seems to occur if TCP actors loaded. Doesn’t occur if Metronome in project by itself. Also seems to not happen if TCP actor launched first.

Comments (6)

  1. James Powell reporter

    Actually, doesn’t seem to be just TCP stuff. May be Actor type2 involved. Investigate.

  2. James Powell reporter

    A self-started ActorNR cannot launch Metronome when it is in the main Messenger Library Project, but can if it is in a separate project (so some other thing loaded is causing problem).

  3. James Powell reporter

    Metronome doesn’t start if project has:

    ActorNR that calls Metronome (or possibly any Internal Actor)

    TCP Listener Actor (or possibly any other internal actor?)

  4. James Powell reporter

    Actually, just the TCP Listener does it. This calls the TCP Connection, so maybe that is involved.

  5. James Powell reporter

    Swapping out the Actor.lvlib constant to an Actor Internal, in the startup info of the TCP Listener, fixes the problem:

    Theoretically, TCP Listener could have been given an Actor type2 to launch to handle connections, so perhaps this is where the LabVIEW issue is.

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