Queries waiting on a dead Replier

Issue #60 resolved
James Powell repo owner created an issue

Currently, a Query will wait till timeout for a response, even if the Responder dies before responding. For small timeouts, this is not a major issue, but timeouts can be very long or even infinite.

Had a case where I was infinitely waiting for an Actor to shutdown, but teh Actor hard stopped, and my hung Query never could return.

Idea: watch the validity of the Address queried, and kick out with an error if it dies.

Comments (5)

  1. James Powell reporter

    Problem, what if we are waiting for “Shutdown” message, and Address is destroyed just before message sent?

  2. James Powell reporter

    Made it so it would wait up to one extra second for a late message. Also made only active on teh new VIM version, to avoid possible problems with old code.

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