Building to Executable

Issue #69 resolved
Ross Smyth created an issue

Is building applications that use this library in to an executable possible? I have tried, but the polymorphic send VIs are broken when I attempt to run it. Based upon some research I have done, accessing object private VIs/fields within a polymorphic VI may make executables fail to build properly. But that was in 2012, but also NI provided no update since then.

Comments (8)

  1. James Powell repo owner

    Building into an executable should work fine. I (and multiple others) do this all the time, and with teh poly VI you have in your image. Try making a small test app with this VIs and see if it builds. If it doesn’t zip up your test project and post it here and I will figure out what is wrong.

  2. Ross Smyth reporter

    Interestingly making a simple test executable has that same “'Translation (poly).vi' was not found” error, but it will run regardless. Looks like I’ll have to dig more to see what’s up. Below is just a simple counting actor example, and that error it still runs fine.

  3. James Powell repo owner

    Unfortunately, I couldn’t get the debugger to connect to that test EXE (might be a problem just on my system). I did not that you are using non-default values for some of your “Additional Exclusions”; I always use the default (as in image), but you have them all off.

  4. Ross Smyth reporter

    Yes, that was on purpose. I have found in the past that labview is not good at dead code elimination and will remove vis that are actually are used, so my default for building executables is tuning the settings so it is as dumb as possible to see if it works at first, then add options one by one to see if they break it.

  5. Ross Smyth reporter

    For reference, if I have the default dead code elimination options on, it still compiles “successfully” (no build errors), but nearly all the Messenger library VIs are shown as broken, and it will not run. Here is an example of our real program after being “built”.

  6. Ross Smyth reporter

    Another dependency unrelated to this library was attempting to load DLLs that were not included with the project.Works now.

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