
Ben Byrne Salsa template build processes

Created by Ben Byrne last modified
1. fork the customSalsa repo into bitbucket with the project shortname, e.g. abc-salsa.
2. clone the repo into the dev user account on the development server
3. write your HTML file for the Salsa template. In the <head>, add a reference to the main CSS file for the project, making sure to use the secure URL, like so:
    <link href="">
4. At the end of the template, add a reference to the compiled customSalsa script, e.g.
    <script src=""></script>
5. (if necessary) if your custom JS is going to require additional jQuery plugins and the like, drop those into the js.src/extras folder, edit them to use "jQ" instead of "jQuery", and then include the compiled version into the template, like so:
    <script src=""></script>
6. Now add the reference to your custom JS that actually leverages customSalsa to create your fancy multistep forms and so on and so forth:
    <script src=""></script>
    (alternatively if you're doing heavy dev and need to debug your code, use the copy of main.js in js.src so that it's readable
7. Save your HTML template with the new CSS/JS references in Salsa
8. (recommended) Also save a salsa-template-[IDNUM].html file in the repo with your HTML, so we have a copy of "our" code in case the client ever goes in and breaks things. :)
9. Run grunt, then start writing SASS and JS to build whatever you're supposed to build.

Once you've gone thru all your revision cycles...
1. git commit and tag and push so we know what launched
2. Manually upload the CSS and JS.dist files used in the Salsa template to Salsa (it's in the Website -> Images section)
3. Edit the Salsa template to use the new Salsa-hosted URLs for the aforementioned assets, instead of our dev server's. 
4. Save your salsa-template-[IDNUM].html file with the new markup.
5. git commit, tag and push again with the post-launch URLs


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