Clue "checkpoint" better?

Issue #12 resolved
Andrew Schultz created an issue

The checkpoint is a nice feature, but I wasn't able to find it in the course of play. Searching through the code it seems only "WALKTHROUGH" triggers it.

It would be nice to know of it another way, e.g. once you pass a checkpoint, make a note of it to the player & remind them how it works.

Comments (5)

  1. Andrew Schultz reporter

    To mark (cp - a checkpoint) as passed: say "[cp] is now passed. (Etc.)"; now the passed of cp is true.

  2. Daniel Stelzer repo owner

    I mostly intended checkpoints as a debugging/testing feature. Do you think players in general would want to use them?

  3. Daniel Stelzer repo owner

    Added an option called "checkpoint alerts" for this behavior; it's active in testing builds but will be turned off by default in the final release. (Use CHECKPOINT ALERTS ON to reactivate it.)

  4. Andrew Schultz reporter

    Sounds good--my main concern was that "walkthrough" could cue the non-tester player to CHECKPOINT, which could leave them wondering "did I miss it somewhere else?"

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