lesoch in the scrying room = no clue the slip fell

Issue #22 resolved
Andrew Schultz created an issue

Should the player get one? It seems like that would be worth noticing.

Also, given the drop reject message, maybe you can say "oh hey you notice litter on the ground" -- because it's possible the cleaning bots -may- pick up the scrap as garbage.

Comments (3)

  1. Andrew Schultz reporter

    Note this may be just my confusion with how I did things. But I hope that my transcript shows what I tried to do and what happened. I noticed an alternate message does appear, but not when I expected.

  2. Daniel Stelzer repo owner

    Strictly speaking the paper didn't fall, it was on the floor before you cast the spell. That's why it didn't give a message. But I changed the reports for lesoch and hopefully it's a bit clearer now.

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