"beg your pardon" error change

Issue #4 resolved
Andrew Schultz created an issue

Rule for printing a parser error when the latest parser error is the I beg your pardon error: say "Something describing the magician's state of mind."

(Note: this could also apply to waiting, too. This game has lots of personality but changing from the defaults would allow even more.)

Comments (4)

  1. Daniel Stelzer repo owner

    I'm tying this in with the new THINK action (which gives a list of unsolved puzzles), but that'll take a while to implement. Leaving this open to remind me.

  2. Andrew Schultz reporter

    Awesome! I tried THINK and it was good to see a change from the default (esp. in a game with sorcerors, who tend to do brainy stuff)--and it's cool it'll be even better soon. Looking forward to trying that out.

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