Mention we can't write in the journal?

Issue #43 resolved
Andrew Schultz created an issue

My impression was that we would be. I don't know how other testers felt. But given all the writing in the spellbook, it seemed natural the journal might hold basic tips and syntax etc as I went through, sort of like a VERBS cheat sheet or something.

Especially given that the journal described what you did in classes, I thought there might be more hints you don't want to forget. So maybe it might be nice to make that explicit: enough is crammed in there, you don't have any free pages to write on. Or maybe just one, for notes right now you'll take automatically. Because it seems reasonable there'd be a mechanism for spellcasters to map out experiments and what went wrong (e.g. with the adventurer.) But it might be too late to slip this in the release.

So maybe for now it should just be, you can't fit any more in. Too many doodles etc. Or something.

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