Southwest invisiclues: the librarian

Issue #59 resolved
Andrew Schultz created an issue

Optional clue: REZROV the tiny door (people should know this)

Needed clue: ASK LIBRARIAN ABOUT X gives nothing. Am I asking the right things? * Maybe, maybe not. * you can't actually communicate with the librarian. * Try to YOMIN the librarian, instead.

Comments (5)

  1. Daniel Stelzer repo owner

    Communicating with the librarian can be productive, as it causes her thoughts to change (e.g. try "ask librarian about password" then "yomin librarian"). Is this what you're referring to?

  2. Andrew Schultz reporter

    Yes. I was able to YOMIN the librarian in my transcript, but I'm not sure how much you want InvisiClues to reveal. I assume you want to reveal necessary commands, but I don't know about optional puzzles like this. If you want to cover all bases, you might want to specifically mention YOMIN since the librarian doesn't talk.

  3. Daniel Stelzer repo owner

    It's currently mentioned under "How do I get information from the librarian?". Do you think this should be an additional question, or should I reword that one?

  4. Andrew Schultz reporter

    Oh, never mind! I missed ASK THEN YOMIN--it just read like ASK to me.

    So I think this part is okay, because I just missed that. But I'm wondering if you want an explicit REZROV DOOR clue.

    Above "How can I Summon a Librarian?" you might want "How do I open the tiny door?" You can have a bit of fun with the player for forgetting REZROV if you like. But when I was hint-plowing through, I missed the tiny door at first. Yeah, my fault but...

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